Algirdas julien greimas biography of albert einstein

  • Algirdas Julius (or Julien) Greimas was born in Tula, Russia, on March 9 Greimasian semiotics is provision-ally a science, but like Einstein's physics, it.
  • 34.
  • Munich: Fink, 1994.
  • Algirdas J. Greimas’s Egology

    Texte intégral

    Then it spoke to me without voice : “You know it, Zarathustra ?” And I cried with fright at this whispering, and the blood left my face ; but I remained silent.

    Then it spoke to me again : “You know it, Zarathustra, but you do not say it !”

    Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

    Note de bas de page 1 :

    Translated from the Lithuanian by Jūratė Levina. “Greimo egologija”, in A. Sverdiolas and E. Landowski (eds.), Algirdas Julius Greimas. Asmuo ir idėjos, vol. 2 (hereafter cited as AJG2), Vilnius, Baltos lankos, 2019. — Translator’s note : In this article, all English translations of Greimas’s articles or letters written by him in Lithuanian, whenever not accompanied with a reference to a previously published English translation, are ours.

    1. The Egological Perspective1

    Egology is a philosophical analysis, conception or theory of a specific being : a person. This notion was introduced by Edmund Husserl, but retrospectively the problematics of egology is manifest throughout the history of Western philosophy. It turns especially important in the modern era, as the subject — the ego — becomes t

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    From Abstraction to Inscription and Back Again

    Jaekel, Charlotte. "From Abstraction to Inscription and Back Again: (Reverse) Blackboxing described by Aaron Bernstein and Bruno Latour". Philology in the Making: Analog/Digital Cultures of Scholarly Writing and Reading, edited by Pál Kelemen and Nicolas Pethes, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2019, pp. 129-146.

    Jaekel, C. (2019). From Abstraction to Inscription and Back Again: (Reverse) Blackboxing described by Aaron Bernstein and Bruno Latour. In P. Kelemen & N. Pethes (Ed.), Philology in the Making: Analog/Digital Cultures of Scholarly Writing and Reading (pp. 129-146). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.

    Jaekel, C. 2019. From Abstraction to Inscription and Back Again: (Reverse) Blackboxing described by Aaron Bernstein and Bruno Latour. In: Kelemen, P. and Pethes, N. ed. Philology in the Making: Analog/Digital Cultures of Scholarly Writing and Reading. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, pp. 129-146.

    Jaekel, Charlotte. "From Abstraction to Inscription and Back Again: (Reverse) Blackboxing described by Aaron Bernstein and Bruno Latour" In Philology in the Making: Analog/Digital Cultures of Scholarly Writing

  • algirdas julien greimas biography of albert einstein