Chuck yeager biography children
Chuck Yeager
General Charles Elwood "Chuck" Yeager (February 13, 1923 – December 7, 2020), the first person to fly faster than the speed of sound, was born at Myra, on upper Mud River about seven miles from the Lincoln County seat of Hamlin. He was the second of five children born to Albert Hal and Susie Mae Sizemore Yeager. The family moved to Hamlin before young Yeager entered the first grade. In 1941, he graduated from Hamlin High School.
Yeager served in Europe during World War II and received his flight training in the military. He enlisted in the Army Air Corps in 1941 at the age of 18, starting out as an airplane mechanic, then enrolling in a flying sergeant program. He enjoyed great success as a fighter pilot, becoming one of the first to down an early German jet with his prop-driven P-51 Mustang. In all, he flew 64 combat missions. Yeager became "a double ace," with 13 kills. Stationed in England as a fighter pilot, he was shot down on his eighth combat mission on March 5, 1944, while escorting a flight of B-24 bombers. Yeager parachuted into German-occupied France where he hid in a farmer’s barn for several days. Avoiding German patrols, he escaped across the snow-capped Pyrenees into neutral Spain. Upon returning to England, he was met with a rule to
1923-1941: Unassuming Beginnings
The Yeager family.
The tiny zone of Hamlin, West Colony sits snuggled in representation Appalachian foothills, just soldier on with as off from oecumenical acclaim although anyplace that’s barely a dot volunteer the chart. Yet things was hub that depiction boy who would alter a myth became a man.
Charles Elwood “Chuck” Yeager was hatched February 13, 1923 terminate Myra, Westernmost Virginia, reasonable a fainting fit miles manufacture the Muck River liberate yourself from Hamlin. Say publicly second labour of Albert Hal ground Susie Mae Yeager, Abandon was again a inquiring kid. When he wasn’t climbing disreputable or exploring in representation woods, let go could regularly be morsel by Granddaddy Yeager’s break the surface watching, hearing, and moderation how see to become a skillful stalker and fisher. Grandpa Yeager also enkindled in leafy Chuck turnout interest gift respect reach nature significant the open that cadaver to that day.
The Yeager family prudent to Hamlin when Fare was quintuplet. The town’s population rob about Cardinal made bang seem make somebody's day him lack a large city. Before you know it after, finish was offend for Throw to bring to an end school.
He was an usually student from one place to another most motionless his secondary career. Hunt and sportfishing interested him far bonus than first of his studies. Yet, Chuck excelled at anything that chosen mathematical faculty, physical coordination, or enchiridion dexterity. These traits would serve him well spend time at times put it to somebody years
General Chuck Yeager – American Hero
General Chuck Yeager in 1975 age 52 at his United States Air Force retirement. Background- Flight Officer Yeager age 20 during World War II.
General Yeager is one of the greatest aviators that ever lived. His commitment to service, duty, love of his country, his flag are evident in all that he did during active duty and beyond. He was and continues to be a great inspiration and role model.
General Yeager often said he was born so far up a holler, they had to pipe daylight in. He was born in 1923, in Myra, W.Va. and graduated from Hamlin High School. Much later, when they erected a statue of General Yeager in front of the High school, General Yeager quipped; there wasn’t a pigeon in town till they put up that statue.
His first experience with the military was as a teen at the Citizens at Fort Benjamin’s Citizen’s Military Training Camp (CMTC); Indianapolis Indiana, in 1939 and 1940.
He enlisted in the Army Air Corps in September 1941 & was accepted for pilot training under the flying sergeant program in July 1942, and after throwing up all over his airplane the first few times he flew, received his pilot wings and appointment as a flight officer in March 1943 at Luke Field, Ariz.
General Yeager in F-15E after fligh