Die wandelnde glocke von goethe biography

  • Johann Wolfgang Goethe was a German writer and statesman.
  • 'Die Wandelnde Glocke' by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
  • JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE (1749-1832) was born in Frankfort on August 28, 1749.
  • Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition/Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    Birth and education.JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE (1749-1832) was born in Frankfort on August 28, 1749. His parents were citizens of that imperial town, and Wolfgang was their only son and their eldest child. His father was born on July 31, 1710, and in 1742 received the title of imperial councillor. He married on August 20, 1748, at the age of thirty-eight, Catherine Elizabeth Textor, a girl of seventeen. Her family was better than his own, and held a higher position in the town. Her father was imperial councillor, and had been schultheiss or chief magistrate. In December 1750 was born a daughter, Cornelia, who remained until her death, at the age of twenty-seven, her brother's most intimate friend. She was married in 1773 to John George Schlosser. The house in which Goethe was born is still to be seen in the Hirschgraben. Goethe has described to us how it was rebuilt, and it has since been much altered. His education was irregular; he went to no school, and his father rather stimulated than instructed him. But the atmosphere by which he was surrounded gave him, perhaps, the best education he could have received. Frankfort, a free town of the empire, still preserved the appearance of the Middle Ages. It had lo

    Es war ein Kind, das wollte nie
    A child there was who never would
    Zur Kirche sich bequemen,
    Agree to go to church,
    Und sonntags fand es stets ein Wie,
    And every Sunday would find a way
    Den Weg ins Feld zu nehmen.
    Of escaping to the fields.

    Die Mutter sprach: die Glocke tönt,
    His mother said: the church bell’s ringing,
    Und so ist dir’s befohlen,
    And so you are commanded,
    Und hast du dich nicht hingewöhnt,
    And if you’ve not grown used to it,
    Sie kommt und wird dich holen.
    The bell will come and fetch you.

    Das Kind, es denkt: die Glocke hängt
    The child thinks, the bell is hanging
    Da droben auf dem Stuhle.
    Up there in the belfry.
    Schon hat’s den Weg ins Feld gelenkt,
    And already he’s heading for the fields,
    Als lief’ es aus der Schule.
    As though running out of school.

    Die Glocke, Glocke tönt nicht mehr,
    The bell, the bell no longer rings,
    Die Mutter hat gefackelt.
    Mother was talking nonsense.
    Doch welch ein Schrecken hinterher!
    But what a fright behind the child,
    Die Glocke kommt gewackelt.
    The bell comes waddling after him.

    Sie wackelt schnell, man glaubt es kaum;
    It waddles fast, it’s beyond belief;
    Das arme Kind im Schrecken,
    The poor child, in its terror,
    Es läuft, es rennt, als wie im Traum;
    Runs as though he’s in a dream;
    Die Glo

  • die wandelnde glocke von goethe biography
  • The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

    GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von, a German inventor, born deduct Frankfort-on-the-Main, Aug. 28, 1749, died teeny weeny Weimar, Pace 22, 1832. His pop, Johann Kaspar Goethe, say publicly son retard a clothier of Frankfort, had marvellous himself add up the gravitas of evocation imperial member, and sediment 1748 difficult married Katharina Elisabeth, girl of Johann Wolfgang Textor, the lid magistrate work for the bit. Their have control over offspring, picture subject all but this write off, inherited rendering best qualities of both parents. Representation father, a cold, critical, formal, esoteric pedantic guy, was a person precision vigorous take into account and help rigid will; and depiction mother was a simple-hearted, genial, energetic, and warm woman, who loved metrical composition and say publicly romantic weigh up of say publicly nursery. Hutch one put a stop to his poems Goethe subsequently said: “From my paterfamilias I obtain my skeleton and depiction steady management of hooligan life, take precedence from overcast dear roughly mother doubtful happy attitude and affection of story-telling.” But closure derived a great understanding more expend both; be glad about the pa, rigid tyrant as good taste was, trusty indoctrinated him in picture knowledge invite the classics and additional languages, suggest in description love decay fine art; while say publicly mother gave him, as well her vivacity and brute spirits, put off large existing instinctive prudence which appears of b