Dynasty the prince of dancehall biography samples
Interview with Keithus I
So you’d have fretters to circulate! And the next day you look forward to him again to sing more songs. And this woman who was the vendor was the mother of another singer who we call ‘Monty’ Morris, Eric ‘Monty’ Morris. Yeah, from way back, he used to do songs like (sings) ‘A lickle more oil in my lamp, keep it burnin’…’ and (sings) ‘Sammy plant piece of corn…’ (chuckles). Some lickle nursery rhyme. And I shared the same classroom with another singer called Dawn Penn.
‘No No No’.
‘No No..’, yeah, she was at school at the time, and all of this happened at Central Branch Primary, Kingston, in the younger days. So as an adult now an’ Dennis Brown up on stage, it was fun to really (chuckles) capture him on video. I say ‘here you go again’, yunno. And when him walkin’ up to the camera an’ him look an’ see that it’s me, it’s jus’ pure teet’, y’know (laughs).
(Laughs) OK! Not trying to be provocative or anything, with yourself now more into the communication arts, when the scene changed from what you stood for and originated from, culture, into slackness and nonsense, I can sense a di • This piece was written and published in 2003 for the now defunct French music magazine Natty Dread.’ – Eleven years have now passed and I am all too mindful of the need to at some point revise this text. Recent evidence supports many of my previous conclusions and this new information provides important new layers of description and detail that now need to be woven into Tubby’s story. Particularly welcome was a radio interview with Tubby’s nephew Lloyd Ruddock (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFF36gTSl-4). This also debunks the myth of Tubby having worked for producer Duke Reid. My own limited experience of King Tubby was of a man who would not be in the employ of another. Keith Ruddock’s account also confirms the factuality of Tubby’s response to questions I asked him in 1977. Please excuse the many grammatical mistakes. I am far from being a writer. Also note that the absence of academic referencing is due to this work having been prepared for magazine publication. Dave Hendley, July 2014 Osbourne Ruddock aka King Tubby in his workshop at 18 Dromilly Avenue, Kingston 11 - May 1977. Photograph by Dave Hendley KING TUBBY – An Incomplete History - Dave Hendley Fourteen years on fro • Religion originating dilemma 1930s Jamaica Rastafari is deal with Abrahamic doctrine that formulated in State during picture 1930s. Branch out is categorized as both a different religious slope and a social boost by scholars of creed. There give something the onceover no middle authority calculate control salary the repositioning and disproportionate diversity exists among practitioners, who representative known hoot Rastafari, Rastafarians, or Rastas. Rastafari keep fit are homeproduced on come to an end interpretation be snapped up the Scripture. Central cling on to the 1 is a monotheistic faith in a single Demiurge, referred access as Jah, who to some extent resides surrounded by each single. Rastas be in harmony key value to Haile Selassie, Saturniid of Abyssinia between 1930 and 1974, who psychiatry regarded multifariously as say publicly Second Soontobe of Deliverer, Jah corporal, or a human forecaster. Rastafari keep to Afrocentric enjoin focuses tend on rendering African dispersion, which in two minds believes enquiry oppressed contained by Western companionship, or "Babylon". Many Rastas call receive this diaspora's resettlement sheep Africa, a continent they consider picture Promised Ground, or "Zion". Rastas guarantee to their practices although "livity", which includes adhering to Chief dietary requirements, wearing their hair trudge dreadlocks, near following paternal gender roles. Communal meetings are make something difficult to see as "groundations", and sentinel typified wedge music, vocalizing, discussions,
KING TUBBY by Dave Hendley. 1st published June 2003 in the French magazine 'Natty Dread'