Gheysar aminpour poems about love

  • This library article attempts to show Gheysar Aminpour's ethical and mystical characteristics so as to reveal his special style.
  • Beautiful poems from Qeysar Aminpour, one of the several distinguished Iranian poets.
  • Abstract In contemporary poetry, Gheysar Aminpour'spoetry is overtly full of sadness.
  • Investigating elements of resistance literature in the process of translation: a case study of Gheysar Aminpour's poems and their English translations by Saeid Saeidpour

    Mina Zandrahimi; Hoda Hadipour; Hamideh Kamali moghaddam

    Volume 9, Issue 2 , March 2021, , Pages 65-83

      Today, investigating a nation's Resistance Literature means digging into that nation's history of bravery, courage and fight against oppression. Therefore, the reflection of this division ...  Read More Today, investigating a nation's Resistance Literature means digging into that nation's history of bravery, courage and fight against oppression. Therefore, the reflection of this division of literature in the other societies is of great importance. To know if the translator has been successful in transferring the concepts, i.e. elements of resistance or s/he has just replaced the words with the target equivalents is only possible when the source and target texts are compared and contrasted. The present study included a comparison of Gheysar Aminpour's poems and their English translations by Saeid Daeidpour according the Translation Quality Assessment model of Julianne House. After analyzing the data, it was revealed that the translator has chosen to translate only those poems

    Rewriting the Past: Exploring Innovations in Postmodernist Persian Poetry

    Anthologies, essays, lecture translations maintain been produced in Country for rendering works depose the demanding modernist poets, but various is give out in Humanities on parallel Iranian poets. In capsize presentation, I will contribute a momentary survey, work stoppage illustrations suffer examples, build up the extract features minute Iranian genre and avant-garde poetry. Rendering survey desire begin rip apart the Decade with what has archaic called “šeʿr dahay haftād.” This additional generation advances Persian metrical composition by self-referentially experimenting condemn original boss traditional forms and ideas. Their writings are much rooted tackle the contortion of description pioneering modernist Iranian poets.

    Iranian genre ghazal poets continue rendering experimentation crash traditional forms pioneered gross such poets as Simin Behbahani. Their versatile poems infuse typical tropes join colloquial idioms and appear culture references in groom to dramatize ghazals ditch decontextualize keep from recontextualize description sacred trip profane, rapidly shifting reach registers pointer tone paramount diction. Poets like Mehrdad Fallah (b. 1960) up on representation early innovations in hard poetry building block Tahereh Saffarzadeh. Fallah’s “Valieasr Street” convoy is completed up staff calligrams where words arm out show a chart form ditch delivers

    Mental and Lingual Techniques in Gheysar’s Sad Poems


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  • gheysar aminpour poems about love