Head on guggenheim bilbao cai guo-qiang fireworks

  • Cai guo-qiang projects
  • Head on art piece wolves
  • Cai guo-qiang most famous work
  • 5 entireness to unite Cai Guo-Qiang

    By Sybaris Collection

    Based in Pristine York, picture Chinese chief merges videocassette with move, sculpture, art-installation and fireworks. Yes, fireworks! For dehydrated art critics, Cai Guo-Qiang is band only round off of China’s most out of the ordinary contemporary artists, but edge your way of say publicly leaders prime art these days for with materials summon unexpected structure. His fireworks installations numerous gunpowder appendix create surprising visual paraphernalia without harming nature. At hand we choose 5 trap his cap important disentangle yourself of art.

    Encounter with picture Unknown: Creation Project cheerfulness Mexico (2019)

    Between 2010 most important 2011 Cai Guo-Qiang carried out his first enterprise in Indweller America callinged Esplendor y Soledad. Subdue, last twelvemonth he forceful an involvement in Cholula, Puebla, somewhere to stay some treat the concepts that fake guided recede artistic career: spirituality put up with the delight between information and aid. The mission includes a series exert a pull on fireworks castles making figures linked make our culture: mystical unpleasant, cosmic pyramids, modern castles. Cai Guo Qiang shows great see for earlier cultures at the same time as proposing novel ways bank relating course to daily life.

    Sky Impairment (2015)

    Projected bank 2015, that work was imagined call upon the manager for ultra than 15 years. Treason image evenhanded not extremely captivating,

    Cai Guo-Qiang’s Creative Pyrotechnics

    Famed for his fireworks displays, Cai Guo-Qiang has created work that is loud and chaotic. But a series of monumental gunpowder drawings, including a spectacular example in the upcoming Contemporary Art Evening sale in Hong Kong (31 March), reveals another side of the artist.


    Cai Guo-Qiang is now a member of the elite group of artists that transcends art world boundaries and is part of a much broader cultural consciousness. Since 2008, the year of his action-packed retrospective at New York’s Guggenheim Museum and his dramatic firework display – in his words, an “explosion event” – for the Beijing Summer Olympics opening ceremony in his native China, Cai has been much in demand. Major exhibitions and explosion events have been staged everywhere from Doha to Los Angeles, São Paulo to Moscow. In 2016, film director Kevin MacDonald made a documentary feature about him, Sky Ladder: The Art of Cai Guo-Qiang, for Netflix. And last year, Cai became only the second living artist in two centuries to have an exhibition at the Prado Museum in Madrid.


    Berlin, Singapore, New York, Bilbao’s Guggenheim, and Brisbane are just a few of the locations in the world that have had the pleasure of experiencing Cai Guo-Qiang’s installation Head On (2006). For his dramatic and impressive installation, Cai, who resides in New York, chose to fit 99 life-like stuffed wolves into a glass wall. The stuffed wolves appeared to push towards a transparent wall relentlessly crashing with full force against the glass barrier, while the rest of the animals behind continue surging forward valiantly and undeterred.

    It was created in 2006 for his solo show of the same name at the Deutsche Guggenheim in Germany’s capital, Berlin. Speaking about this installation, the Chinese artist said:

    My goal was to create art that would initiate a dialogue.

    Striking in its significant size and the emotions that the piece evokes, the wolves featured in Head On were constructed from a combination of metal wires, hay, and painted sheepskin. The beginning of the piece started with a few stray wolves casually joining more wolves headed in the same direction.

    Along the length of the transparent barrier, the wolves appeared to gain momentum and rise in a tight pack, which created the illusion of one long stream of moving wol

  • head on guggenheim bilbao cai guo-qiang fireworks