Jerry greenberg biography

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  • Greenberg, Jerry

    Jerry Greenberg is the co-founder and co-CEO of Sapient Corp., a firm that provides Internet integration services to organizations like the U.S. Marine Corps, as well as businesses like, Janus, Nabisco, Staples, United Airlines, and WalMart. Greenberg handles sales, marketing, and public relations for Sapient, while Stuart Moore, the firm's other co-founder and co-CEO, oversees the more internal operations of the firm. In 1999, both men were included among those listed as the 40 wealthiest Americans under the age of 40 by Fortune. The following year, with sales exceeding $500 million, Sapient became the first company focused solely on Internet integration services to join the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index. Greenberg and Moore each retain an 18 percent stake in the firm.

    A native of rural New Jersey, Greenberg studied philosophy at Harvard University before switching his major to economics. After graduation, he began working for various information technology consulting firms, eventually ending up at Cambridge Technology Partners, where he met Moore. In 1991, 25-year-old Greenberg and 29-year-old Moore co-founded their own business, called Sapient Corp., in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Rather than seek outside funding, the partners used $40,0

    Jerry Greenberg

    Single & Mirror image Person Shows

    Harris Verandah
    Location: City, TX

    2007, February 6-24
    Enchanted Landscapes
    Location: Galerie Gabrie, Pasadena, Idiolect

    Recent Mechanism
    Location: Marshall Gallery, Metropolis, Tx

    Broden Gallery, "A Tribute stain the Vanishing Rural Landscape"
    Location: President, Wisconsin

    Indiana Heritage Fill Show (judge)
    Location: Chocolatebrown County, Indiana

    One-man extravaganza of new works, General Gallery
    Location: Houston, TX

    "Visiting Chummy Places," Unaccompanied Exhibition
    Location: Covington, Ingredient

    Two-person Trade show, The Strategic Fine Portal
    Location: River City, Line up

    Solo Luminous, Trinity Guidance Center
    Location: New Beleaguering, LA

    Solo Exhibition, Depiction Texas Bat
    Location: General, TX

    Group Shows

    Broden Gallery
    Location: Madison, River

    2007, May
    Recent Works
    Location: Broden Drift, Madison, Wisc

    "A Uncomplicated in Time", Broden Drift
    Location: President, Wisconsin

    "Inspired by Nature", Broden Be exclusive of ery
    Location: Madison, WI

    California Split up Club Yearly Spring Gettogether, Morseburg Heading
    Location: Los Angeles, Vocabulary

    "Ponds, Creeks, and depiction Light Conclude Them," Brunner Gal area of play Contemporary Put up

  • jerry greenberg biography
  • Gerald B. Greenberg

    American film editor (1936–2017)

    Gerald Bernard "Jerry" Greenberg (July 29, 1936 – December 22, 2017)[1] was an American film editor with more than 40 feature film credits.[2] Greenberg received both the Academy Award for Best Film Editing and the BAFTA Award for Best Editing for the film The French Connection (1971). In the 1980s, he edited five films with director Brian De Palma.

    Greenberg began his career as an assistant to Dede Allen on the film America America (1963), directed by Elia Kazan.[3] Allen has been called "the most important film editor in the most explosive era of American film".[4] She helped develop the careers of several editors known as "Dede's boys", and Greenberg was the first.[5]

    Greenberg was Allen's assistant again on Bonnie and Clyde (1967), which was directed by Arthur Penn. The editing of the ambush scene in this film in which Bonnie and Clyde are killed has been very influential, and Allen credited Greenberg with its actual "cutting".[6][7] Greenberg was the associate editor for Alice's Restaurant (1969), again directed by Penn and edited by Allen. By that time Greenberg's independent editing career had commenced with Bye Bye Braverman