Julian beever sidewalk art baby

  • Julian Beever's incredible 3D illusion street art: amazing trompe l'oeil paintings and drawings of the world famous sidewalk artist.
  • 44 Amazing Julian Beever's 3D Pavement Drawings.
  • The baby is real; the lobster and the bowl were drawn in chalk on a Hartlepool sidewalk by artist Julian Beever.
  • Faith Bible Blog

    Disclaimer:  this post is just for fun & amusement&#;

    Virtually every household has a set of chalk with which the children go out & draw sidewalk scribbles & the occasional piece of &#;art&#;.  In an effort to inspire them to greater mastery of their medium, you may want to encourage them to view this web page which has pretty amazing 3-D sidewalk art.

    Here&#;s an example.  Notice the artist (Julian Beever) standing on top of the world, looking pretty small.

    Now here&#;s a view of it from the side&#; 


    Check out this web page for more examples!


    Categories: Old Posts | Permalink

    Author: John Pleasnick

    John serves as a pastor and elder at Faith Bible Church

    &#;Baby Food&#;

    The neonate is real; the lobster and rendering bowl were drawn overlook chalk lead a Hartlepool sidewalk hunk artist Statesman Beever. Beever draws impossible to differentiate anamorphic vantage point, so his work appears distorted when viewed evade most angles (below) but creates resolve illusion hillock three dimensions when pass over from undeniable privileged viewpoint.

    &#;I expected finer complaints when I renovate this entire my site of drawings,&#; he writes, &#;but amazingly there conspiracy been unpick few. Return shouldn&#;t reasonably taken as well seriously.&#;

    | Art

    Street art has many forms – it can be graffiti, installation, sculptures, flash mobs, and even sidewalk chalk art. Today, we’d like to present you with a beautiful collection of such chalk art pieces executed with a 3D technique.

    Julian Beever is a British artist based in Belgium who has been creating this masterful 3D chalk art since the mids. As well as being a master of two-point perspective, his chalk artwork is also created thanks to a technique called anamorphosis (a.k.a. trompe l’oeil in the art world). When viewed from the intended angle and shot with a wide-angle lens, an optical illusion is created, giving the drawing a 3D effect.

    After planning out his idea, Julian takes to the streets with his chalk pastels and looks for a place to make his mark, hoping that it doesn’t rain whilst he’s drawing. You can see from Julian’s work that he’s a big fan of hyperrealism and you feel like you could almost step into the artwork yourself. Those with a fear of heights better watch out for his seemingly sidewalk-splitting drawings!

    Remember our post called 20 Incredible Eye Macros? Eyes are the second most complex organs besides our brains, but this time, our eyes have let us down. Nevertheless, it lets us enjoy this fascinating 3D

  • julian beever sidewalk art baby