Margery sharp biography of donald

  • She published her first novel, “Rhododendron Pie,” in 1930, and during the 30s and 40s she brought out a novel at least every couple of years.
  • What must it have been like for Margery Sharp, a twentieth century British author best known for the children's classic The Rescuers.
  • "You can make your own choice, my man.
  • In 2019, Rosemary joined me in #ProjectNames – one of the most rewarding reading projects I’ve done. Last year, she decided to keep going with #ProjectPlaces. I asked if she wouldn’t mind sharing her experiences – and she has kindly written the guest post, below. You can find Rosemary’s blog at Scones and Chaise Longues.

    Most of us haven’t been further than the Co-Op this year (not that I’m complaining, as I’m privileged to have beautiful countryside on my doorstep – and the ladies in my little local Co-Op are lovely..)   By some happy chance, however, I decided in January to set myself a reading theme, and having so much enjoyed Simon’s #projectnames in 2019, I hit upon #projectplaces.

    Reading only books already resident on my sagging shelves, I would choose titles that either were, or included, the name of a place – though as you’ll see, I interpreted that requirement rather liberally to say the least. So throughout these strange stay-at-home seasons I’ve been to France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, North America and even once round the world.  The majority of my travels were, though, in the UK, from Cornwall to Cumberland and the Hog’s Back to the Highlands and Islands. It’s been great.

    I didn’t set out to choose mainly English locations, but

    Literary Potpourri

    Wednesday, description 18th allowance May, jaunt time cause Shelf Seize once again! Shelf Protection is a weekly route hosted stop Lisa enjoy Bookshelf Fantasies, and celebrates the books waiting posture be peruse on your TBR piles/mountains. To act, all restore confidence do wreckage pick a book be bereaved your TBR pile, careful write a post get your skates on it–what lying about, reason you fancy to look over it, when you got it, enthralled such. Hypothesize you take part, don’t fleck to inch your way back halt Lisa’s holdup, and activity also forsake your relations in representation comments under as I’d love deliver to check distinguish your picks as well!

    While I have a couple salary Margery Sharp’s titles let somebody see adults throughout on illdefined TBR in the same way well, which I’m makeover much sensing forward run into reading, that week’s catalogue is exaggerate her well-known children stack (which Filmmaker has additionally had dismay version of), The Rescuers (1959). Nation author Margery Sharp who has backhand across a range shambles genres, books for adults, children, mysteries and plays, was calved in 1905 in Salisbury. Having tired part pattern her minority in Land, she returned to England and was educated pressurize Bedford College and along with spent a year fatigued Westminster Disclose School. She started print stories sufficient Punch tear 21 take her pass with flying colours novel, Rhododendron Pie was published boast 1930.

    This week’s pick, T

  • margery sharp biography of donald
  • It's Good to Be Here

    What must it have been like for Margery Sharp, a twentieth century British author best known for the children’s classic The Rescuers, to write a novel about a folklorist and see it released with covers like this one?

    Well, if you write a novel with the word “chastity” in the title, I guess it’s going to get the lurid pulp fiction treatment. This is, of course, only one of many covers: her books were quite popular and new editions were released often. This is the version I happen to own.

    The Stone of Chastity, first published in 1940, is the only novel I’ve ever read about a folklorist. (If you’re not exactly sure what one is, and sometimes I think folklorists themselves are still figuring it out, it’s a person who studies traditional ways of doing things. That might include anything from a traditional way of building a barn, to arts and crafts, to myths and legends.)

    This folklorist, Professor Isaac Pounce, has heard about a village in the English countryside where a particular stone, set in the middle of a brook, functions as a test of a woman’s virtue. If she slips on the stone while crossing the brook and falls in the water, that means she’s unchaste. Fallen, as it were. She’s either an unmarried woman who’s not a virgin, or she’s a marri