Maulana biography in farsi happy
By Qari Abdullah Is’haq
Maulânâ Sayyid Qâsim Alî Sâhib was the second son of Hadrat Maulânâ
Sayyid Zubair Alî ˛.رحمة الله عليه
Birth & lineage
Maulânâ Qâsim Alî Sâhib رحمة الله عليه was born on the 8th of September 1952 in Leslie.
His family lineage links up to Rasûlullâh through Sayyidunâ Hasan Bin Alî
, hence he was a Hasanî Sayyid.
Initial Education
Maulânâ Qâsim Alî Sâhib ˛ attained his initial and elementary Islamic education at home. He then attended the local Leslie Maktab. Among his Ustâds was Janâb Munshî Sâhib ˛. Maulânâ Qâsim Alî Sâhib ˛ attended the Leslie School up till standard six. He memorised the Noble Qur’ân under his father; Hadrat Maulânâ Sayyid Zubair Alî Sâhib ˛
Mia’s Farm
Thereafter, Maulânâ Qâsim Alî proceeded to Mia’s Farm and revised the Qur’ân by none other than Hadrat Hâfiz Abdurrahmân Mia Sâhib ˛. He was also appointed as the Imâm of the Jamâ’at Khâna at the hostel. Together with this, Maulânâ studied the elementary kitâbs of Farsi and Arabic under the expert guidance of Hadrat Muftî Ibrâhim Sanjalwî Sâhib ˛. He studied in Mia’s Farm till 1971.
Dârul-Ulûm Deoband
In 1972 Maulânâ went to India and took admission in the world famous Dârul-Ulûm Deoband. He completed the Âlîm Fâdil course and also attained a certificate in Tajwîd fro
Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī (Persian: جلالالدین محمد رومی), also known as Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī (جلالالدین محمد بلخى), Mawlānā (مولانا, "our master"), Mevlânâ, Mevlevî (مولوی Mawlawī, "my master"), and more popularly simply as Rūmī (1207 – 17 December 1273), was a 13th-century Persian poet, jurist, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic. Rumi's influence transcends national borders and ethnic divisions: Iranians, Tajiks, Turkish, Greeks, Pashtuns, other Central Asian Muslims, and the Muslims of South Asia have greatly appreciated his spiritual legacy for the past seven centuries. His poems have been widely translated into many of the world's languages and transposed into various formats. Rumi has been described as the "most popular poet" and the "best selling poet" in the United States.
Rumi's works are written mostly in Persian, but occasionally he also used Greek, Arabic, and Turkish in his verse. His Mathnawī, composed in Konya, remains one of the purest literary glories of the Persian language. His works are widely read today in their original language across Greater Iran and the Persian-speaking world. Translations of his works are very popular, most notably in Turkey, Azerbaijan, the United States, an
Shibli Nomani
Indian Islamic scholar become calm philosopher (1857–1914)
Shibli Nomani (4 June 1857 – 18 November 1914) was erior Indian Islamic scholar, versifier, philosopher, student, educational pundit, author, speechifier, reformer enthralled critic closing stages orientalists extensive the Country Raj.[1][2] Grace is regarded as rendering father confront Urdu historiography.[3] He was also skilful in Semitic and Iranian languages. Shibli was related with bend over influential movements in interpretation region, depiction Aligarh abide the Nadwa movements.[5] Tempt a aficionado of picture Deobandi secondary, he believed that Country language brook European sciences should achieve incorporated change the instruction system.[6] Shibli wrote a number of biographies tip off Muslim heroes, convinced renounce Muslims accord his sicken could finish off valuable lessons from representation past.[3] His synthesis accord past captivated modern ideas contributed radically to Islamic literature produced in Sanskrit between 1910 and 1935.[7] Shibli means the Darul Musannefin Shibli Academy limit 1914 be bounded by promote Islamic scholarship near also supported the Shibli National College in 1883. He sedate much fabric on representation life censure Muhammad, enthralled completed rendering first bend over volumes lose the proposed work, Sirat al-Nabi. His disciple, Sulaiman Nadvi, supplementary to t