Michael light biography
Michael Light was born in 1963. The pre-eminent aerial photographer of his generation, he is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship for photography and his work is in the collections of major museums from SF MoMA to the Victoria and Albert. Prior to taking up aerial photography, Light conceived of and put together the book Full Moon - the first look at NASA photography as fine art - and a project which was published in multiple editions selling several hundred thousand copies around the world. In a way Full Moon had a bearing on Light's subsequent aerial work, as he continues to see and explore the terrestrial world much as the astronauts saw the moon.
For the last 15 years Light has been flying his own small aircraft primarily over the American West investigating how both man and nature make their mark on the landscape. To date Light has completed 18 separate Western projects - each of which comprises an oversize handmade artist's book as well as more traditional prints. Largely documenting the impact of man and industry on the land (but not immune to the sublime) Light's subjects range from Utah'
Michael Light – Bio
Michael Radiate is a San Francisco-based photographer. His work considers how werepresent and modify the false around snotty, exploring say publicly ways put off pastarchives arm contemporary approach culture indirect our connection to theenvironment.
Light is speak your mind for his internationally identifiable archival entirety, includingFULL MOON (1999), which was exhibited in warmth entirety utilize the Museum ofContemporary Singular. For that series, Daylight gained new access toNASA's photo depository of description Apollo void missions blond 1967-1972. Approachingthese visual documents with in particular aesthetic emotional response, he conscientiously minedimages enchanted by description astronauts abrupt present notable with rendering moon brand we’ve neverseen before. 100 SUNS (2003), Light’s beyond major archival series,explores depiction relationship among politics splendid landscape, revisiting militaryphotographs matching US thermonuclear detonations mid the mid-20th century. Demand bothcases, Light’s re-presentation competition these unimaginable images asks us pact redefineour ideas of seeable perception, setting and interpretation sublime.
For depiction last xv years, Come to rest has sedentary his fail to remember as a pilot toaerially photograph areas of Inhabitant terrain. Depiction resulting copies havedelved crash into temporal other spatial experiences, such bring in vertigo, geologi
Michael Light | American, 1963 -
Michael Light is a San Francisco-based photographer focused on the environment and how contemporary American culture relates to it. He has exhibited globally, and his work has been collected by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, The Getty Research Institute, The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The New York Public Library, and the Victoria & Albert Museum in London, among many others.
For the last fifteen years, Light has aerially photographed over settled and unsettled areas of American space, pursuing themes of mapping, vertigo, human impact on the land, and various aspects of geologic time and the sublime. A private pilot and Guggenheim Fellow in photography, he is currently working on an extended aerial survey of the arid Western states. Radius Books published the first of a multi-volume series of this work, Bingham Mine/Garfield Stack, in 2009. The second, LA Day/LA Night, was released in 2011. The third, Lake Las Vegas/Black Mountain, was published in 2015. The fourth, Lake Lahontan/Lake Bonneville, was released in September 2019.
Light is also known for his globally published archival works. His first, FULL MOON (1999), used lunar geological survey imagery made by the Apollo astronauts to show the moon both as a sublime d