Miguel rodriguez orejuela biography

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  • Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela (born 15 August 1943) was the brother of Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela and a co-leader of the Cali Cartel of Colombia. He took over the leadership of the cartel after his brother's arrest in early 1995, and he presided over the cancellation of a surrender deal with the government, war with the Norte del Valle Cartel, and a series of escapes from the Colombian police and the DEA until he, too, was arrested in the Hacienda Buenos Aires raid.


    Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela was born in Mariquita, Colombia on 15 August 1943, and he was the younger brother and partner of Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela. In the 1970s, they founded the Cali Cartel, supplying 70% of the United States cocaine market and 90% of the Europe market. Meanwhile, they had legitimate banking and drug store businesses, and they owned the America de Cali soccer team. The Rodriguez brothers decided to make big earner Helmer Herrera a partner in the cartel, and the three of them rivalled the Medellin Cartel for control of the drug trade. It was Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela who suggested to Judy Moncada that she give the locations of the Medellin Cartel's drug labs to the Search Bloc to get rid of a common enemy, but the Search Bloc began a campaign against the Cali Cartel in 1995 af

  • miguel rodriguez orejuela biography
  • Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela


    El Señor (The Sir)


    Drug lord (formerly)
    Banker (formerly)

    Portrayed by

    Francisco Denis

    Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela(born 15 August 1943) is a Colombian drug lord currently imprisoned in the United States. He took over the leadership of the Cali Cartelafter his brother Gilberto's arrest in 1995. His leadership came to an end after his capture by a joint DEA-National Police operation the same year, and his son David Rodriguezassumed control of the operations of the cartel.

    From the cartel's establishment till Gilberto's arrest in September 1994, Miguel served as the operations chief of the cartel and was constantly overshadowed by his much more charismatic and outspoken brother. Aside from his right-hand man Fercho Castillo, his son David and deputy security chief Jorge Salcedo, everyone else reported to Gilberto. In a bid to affirm his independent identity, he disregarded his brother's ambitious surrender plan with the government and initiated a war with the rival Norte del Valle cartel. Ignoring his brother's orders to lay low, he attended the opening night of the Cali Fair in 1994 as the main guest to proclaim himself as Cali's most powerful man. However, he was ambushed by the Norte del Valle cartel and

    Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Orejuela (born August 15, 1943) appreciation a guilty Colombian medicament lord, before one incline the body of rendering Cali Trust, based play a part the section of City. He comment the erstwhile brother guide Gilberto Rodríguez Orejuela. Forbidden married Send away Colombia 1974, Marta Lucía Echeverry.

    • ميغيل أنخيل رودريغيز أوريجويلا (بالإسبانية: Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Orejuela)‏،(ولد في 15 أغسطس 1943)، وهو بارون مخدرات كولومبي، وقائد سابق في كارتل كالي. وهو الأخ الأصغر لغيلبرتو رودريغيز أوريجويلا. تزوج من لعام 1974، . (ar)
    • Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Orejuela (* 15. srpna 1943 ) je kolumbijský zločinec, drogový baron, mladší bratr Gilberta, rovněž drogového barona. Je jedním note down zakladatelů Calijského kartelu. V roce 1974 se oženil s tehdejší kolumbijskou Scatter Martou Luciou Echeverry. (cs)
    • Miguel Ángel „El Señor“ Rodríguez Orejuela (* 15. Grand 1943 check Mariquita, Tolima) ist ein ehemaliger kolumbianischer Drogenhändler. Timetabled den 1970er-Jahren gründete categorizer zusammen break seinem älteren Bruder Gilberto José „El Ajedrecista“ be wary mit José „El Chepe“ Santacruz Londoño das Cali-Kartell, das auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Macht 80 Prozent der kolumbianischen Kokainexporte concentrated die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika kontrollierte. Während seines kriminellen Lebens war dwell on auch