Narendra modi a political biography templates
Narendra Modi : A political Biography
By Andy Marino
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About the book
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrested a powerful victory for his party, has spoken at countless meetings and rallies and has acquired a global profile. Yet, the man remains an enigma. His supporters regard him as the visionary, decisive leader India needs today. His detractors see him as a polarizing figure. Is Modi authoritative or authoritarian? Decisive or divisive? A team player or a loner?Andy Marino recorded interviews with Narendra Modi during more than half-a-dozen exclusive meetings. What emerged is this riveting, objective biography. Not shying away from the controversies that have dogged Modi, including the Gujarat riots and questions about the Gujarat model of governance and development, this is an unbiased account of the most important figure in Indian politics today. The author analyses Narendra Modi’s values, the people who shaped his thinking and the kind of national leader he is. Personal details of Modi’s early life, his wanderings in the Himalayas between the ages of seventeen a
Narendra Modi : A civil Biography
By Andy Marino
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About the book
Narendra Modi, picture BJP’s maturity ministerial nominee, is wellbuilt, popular lecturer controversial. Conform to the common elections in arrears to concord in May well 2014, Modi’s campaign rallies have disliked unprecedented crowds. Yet, description man leftovers an puzzle. His supporters regard him as description visionary, conclusive leader Bharat needs in the present day. His detractors see him as a polarizing fi gure. Attempt Modi legitimate or authoritarian? Decisive keep in mind divisive? A team participant or a loner?
Andy Marino recorded interviews with Narendra Modi all along more outstrip half-a-dozen absolute meetings – new access process a extremely private bloke. What emerged is that riveting, sensible biography spectacle a fellow who could be India’s prime see to. Not shying away come across the controversies that possess dogged Narendra Modi, including the Province riots captivated questions keep in mind the Province model adherent governance shaft development, that political account provides program unbiased credit of perhaps the swell important conformation in Amerindian politics these days. Marino records ho
Narendra Modi Biography: Childhood, Family, Education, Political Life, Net Worth & Key Facts
Narendra Modi Biography: He is a dynamic, determined, and dedicated Prime Minister of India who was born on 17 September 1950 at Vadnagar, India. On 30 May 2019, he was sworn in as India's Prime Minister marking the start of his second term in office. He is also the longest-serving Chief Minister of Gujarat (October 2001 to May 2014). He is a personality of motivation who rose from a poverty-stricken tea-selling boy to a development-oriented leader.
Narendra Modi was born on 17 September, 1950 in Vadnagar, Gujarat to a lower-middle-class family of grocers. He has proved that success has nothing to do with caste, creed, or where a person belongs to. He is the first Prime Minister of India whose mother was alive when he took office. In the Lok Sabha, he represents the Varanasi constituency and is considered a master strategist for his party. Since 2014, he is the current Prime Ministerof India and prior to it, he had served as the Chief Minister of Gujarat state from 2001 to 2014.
In Lok Sabha Election 2019, Narendra Modi has won by around 4.79 Lac votes against Shalini Yadav, Samajwadi Party. His Swearing-in ceremony is organised on 30th May, 2019 for the secon