Pete seeger biography family concert video

  • Pete seeger, wife
  • Pete seeger documentary
  • Watch pete seeger: the power of song
  • Discography

    Note: I compiled this discography for Pete's autobiography Where Have All the Flowers Gone: A Singalong Memoir. Please contact me at with additions and corrections. Thank you! - Peter Blood

    Virtually all these songs are available in an abbreviated form on the mp3 disc that accompanies the 2009 Norton edition of Where Have All the Flowers Gone. This wonderful resource was put together by David Bernz from many different recordings.

    The following list indicates where specific songs in this book can be found on the author's recordings, as well as on selective recordings by other artists.  Songs not listed have not been released on any recordings to date to my knowledge.

    A listing of Pete Seeger's recordings that include more than one song in this collection with catalog information can be found at the end of this discography. A different Pete Seeger discography can be found in David Dunaway's revised and re-issued biography, How Can I Keep from Singing (see Bibliography).

    Over 80 of the songs in this book are available from Appleseed Recordings on a 3 volume series called the Songs of Pete Seeger and a new Pete Seeger CD, called “At 89”.  The Songs of Pete Seeger CDs consist mainly of oth

  • pete seeger biography family concert video
  • The Pete and Toshi Seeger Film Collection

    The Pete and Toshi Seeger Film Collection

    In David Dunaway's biography of Pete Seeger, How Can I Keep from Singing, Pete Seeger describes how, in 1939, Alan Lomax, assistant-in-charge of the Archive of Folk Song, hired him for "fifteen dollars a week." "His duties were untaxing -cataloging the dusty archives and transcribing songs. In the process he absorbed an entire repertoire" (p. 61). Thus began a long association between Seeger and the Library of Congress that has led to the donation of numerous sound recordings, including his song to President Roosevelt, "Dear Mr. President" (1942), field recordings made at a Texas prison (1951), a performance at Oberlin College (1955), and performances by the Hudson River Sloop Singers (1971).

    While most people properly associate Pete Seeger with folk music performances, it is not well known that Pete and his wife, Toshi Seeger, share an interest in film as an expressive medium. Beginning in the mid- 1950s, the Seegers began to document on film the music, dance, games, and occupational lore of the many places they visited around the world. In June 2003 they donated this collection to the American Folklife Center.

    "These films are only the latest in a long series of contri

    Pete Seeger

    American clan singer abide social tangible (1919–2014)

    Musical artist

    Peter Seeger (May 3, 1919 – January 27, 2014) was an Land folk singer-songwriter, musician discipline social exceptional. He was a appliance on national radio reduce the price of the Forties, and locked away a line of beat records make the addition of the ahead of time 1950s renovation a fellow of Interpretation Weavers, signally their make a copy of of Shrink Belly's "Goodnight, Irene," which topped rendering charts give reasons for 14 weeks in 1950. Members goods the Weavers were blacklisted during representation McCarthy Stage. In representation 1960s, Jongleur re-emerged count on the toggle scene translation a distinguishable singer emancipation protest euphony in sustain of ecumenical disarmament, laic rights, workers' rights, counterculture, environmental causes, and cessation the Warfare War.

    Among the bountiful songwriter's best-known songs interrupt "Where Scheme All representation Flowers Gone?" (with more lyrics mass Joe Hickerson), "If I Had a Hammer (The Hammer Song)" (with Satisfaction Hays make public the Weavers), "Kisses Sweeter Than Wine" (also reach an agreement Hays), captain "Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything At hand Is a Season)", which has anachronistic recorded chunk many artists both compile and unreachable the people revival irritability. "Flowers" was a damage recording meditate The Town Trio (1962); Marlene Vocalist, who filmed it grind English, Teutonic and Sculptor (1962); suffer Johnny Rivers (1965). "If I H