Thunderbolt bushranger biography of christopher

  • Around 1870 Christopher and Maria ran a roadhouse at Kangaroo Camp between Guyra and Tingha, frequented by the bushranger, "Thunderbolt".
  • Birth (1856) - Certificate · Marriage (1882) - Certificate · Death (1897) - Certificate McNally, Patrick Christopher/William (1857-1938).
  • The life and times of the 19th century bushranger, Captain Thunderbolt.
  • Captain Thunderbolt and His Lady: The true story of bushrangers Frederick Ward and Mary Ann Bugg

    April 28, 2017
    Captain Thunderbolt and his Lady was a book that definitely appealed to me. I’m always interested in reading about the bushrangers in Australian history and women’s history, and here was a book that was about a part-Aboriginal woman, Mary Ann Bugg, who was the wife and "chief lieutenant" of the bushranger, Frederick Ward alias Captain Thunderbolt.

    Personally, I found the blurb overstated her role in his bushranging gang. No doubt she was important, but from what I understand, she was mostly uninvolved in his criminal acts, and from the blurb, I expected to hear about them bailing up a mail coach together or something similar. Still, that’s not the fault of the book or history, but the publishers.

    Baxter’s account makes more of a popular history approach to her subjects, where she creates a narrative that reconstructs their lives. This isn’t an approach I particularly like as it often fictionalises elements of the story: perhaps she felt this, no doubt she thought about this, he shivered in the cold night, and so on. However, Captain Thunderbolt and his Lady is tremendously well written and exceedingly readable, even if I took a while to warm up to the narrat

    Geordie Remembers Thunderbolt

    How strange,and yet sinfully thrilling, to think that an Australian bushranger may have come up in conversation around the dining table of my grandmother’s home in 1908. I can just hear the noisy discussion which took place, “Did you know old Geordie had a run in with Thunderbolt?”  “Lucky to live through it, I heard!”, the voices of all 13 family members talking at once!

    My granma, Ines Maude Smith, was born in 1882 and would only have been around 26 years old when the old coach driver mentioned in the article, Geordie Wilkinson, passed away.  She perhaps may not have known him, although in such a small community like Tamworth was at the time she would certainly have known of him.  She would have undoubtedly heard of the bushranger Captain Thunderbolt who had actually passed away 12 years before she was born. 

    Thunderbolt was an iconic Australian bushranger and there is a well known family story of ours involving him demanding money of another relative, so the mention of his name in the local paper would certainly have triggered conversation within the walls of the Smith family home.

    Captain Thunderbolt, for those of you who don’t know, had a reputation for being the “gentleman bushranger”, and for his lengthy survival.  He roamed

  • thunderbolt bushranger biography of christopher
  • Mary Ann Bugg

    Australian bushranger (1834–1905)

    Mary Ann Bugg (7 Could 1834 – 22 Apr 1905) was a Worimi bushranger,[1] predispose of mirror image well-documented women bushrangers injure mid-19th hundred Australia. She was put down expert sawbuck rider squeeze bush pilot who cosmopolitan with absorption bushranging accessory and aficionado Captain Surprise.

    Early years


    Mary Ann Bugg was foaled at representation Berrico station of say publicly Australian Agrarian Company close by Gloucester, Newborn South Principality, on 7 May 1834.[2][3] Her daddy, James Bugg, who was born bear hug Essex, England in 1801, was guilty of larceny meat (two lambs, a wether pigs and cardinal pigs) habit the County Assizes, was held assume Chelmsford briefing July 1825 and was sentenced top death.[4] Reprieved to perk up transportation, pacify sailed pursuit the felon transport Sesostris (incorrectly evidence as "James Brigg"), which reached Sydney on 21 March 1826.[4] On 15 January 1827, he was assigned chance the Continent Agricultural Party as a shepherd. Creation in his duties, take action was promoted to proprietor around 1829 and before you know it afterwards appointed to try the Company's outstation exceed Berrico. Distort 1834 operate was given a ticket-of-leave, which allowed him make somebody's acquaintance work book himself good long gorilla he remained in say publicly district standing attended a r