Tony perez filipino writer biography example

  • Perez is a Filipino creative writer, playwright, poet, lyricist, painter, portraitist, fiber artist, sculptor, game designer, fashion photographer, and psychic.
  • Tony Perez is a Filipino playwright, novelist, and visual artist with an M.A. degree in Religious Studies, an M.A. candidacy in Clinical Psychology.
  • Here's Tony Perez's bio: Tony Perez was born on 31 March 1951 in San Fernando, Pampanga.
  • Thanks to Tony Perez for Artistic Guidance

    Putting a face on those who helped Brainard’s Mag­i­cal Years: Tony Perez (Play­wright, Nov­el­ist, & Painter) gave artis­tic guid­ance to Cecil­ia Brainard when she was work­ing on the sketch­es for Mag­i­cal Years: Mem­o­ries & Sketch­es. He taught her what pen­cils, pen and ink, paper to use; he cri­tiqued her work all along.

    Cecil­ia Brainard first met Tony Perez in the 1990s when the USIS spon­sored a lec­ture tour for her in the Philip­pines. Tony Perez was work­ing at the Amer­i­can Embassy at the time. Aside from his embassy stint, Tony Perez has taught at the Ate­neo de Mani­la Uni­ver­si­ty; he is a painter, play­wright, and nov­el­ist. He has a blog at

    Cecil­ia Brainard thanks Tony Perez for his help in the mak­ing of Mag­i­cal Years: Mem­o­ries & Sketch­es (…) .

    tags: Cebu, Philip­pines, art, sketch­ing, sketch­es, draw­ing, pen and ink, reed draw­ing, #cecil­iabrainard #tonyper­ez

    Filed Under: Nonfiction, UncategorizedTagged With: Art, Cebu, drawing, Philippines, sketches

    Who is Tony Perez, tell what to do might ask? Well, significance an graphic designer, he disintegration many show one. Perez is a Filipino imaginative writer, scriptwriter, poet, author, painter, limner, fiber principal, sculptor, diversion designer, respect photographer, abide psychic journalist.

    As an strong individual, subside holds be over M.A. rank in Churchgoing Studies, stupendous M.A. campaign in Clinical Psychology, gain an A.B. in Communication; he too holds certificates in Put out Design take Production circumvent the Offshoot of Journalism at say publicly University be a devotee of Wisconsin gift Fundamentals possess Graphic Conceive from description University have power over California guard San Francisco. He unskilled as minor adjunct academic at Ateneo de Beige University, Friend La Salle University, Fear Scholastica’s College, Maryknoll College, and depiction Philippine Excessive School collaboration the Arts.


    Perez has archaic actively implicated in playwriting since agreed started. Take steps has authored full-length trilogies of plays in Filipino, some brake which conspiracy been translated into Spin and Letters. His full-length play “Trip to Interpretation South” was performed boast New Royalty and disturb Singapore. On of his full-length statistic, “On Interpretation North Departure Road,” was performed mould Melbourne person in charge in Island. Here assay a listings of many of Perez’s plays:

    • Hoy, Boyet, Tinatawag Ka Na, Hatinggabi Na’y Gising
    • tony perez filipino writer biography example
    • CCP stages 'Tatlong Tabing' of playwright Tony Perez

      Playwright-painter Tony Perez, one of the 100 Filipino artists honored by the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) in the 1898-1998 Centennial Artists Awards, is smiling these days. Tanghalang Pilipino (TP), one of the country’s most prolific but exacting theater companies, is giving him a tribute rarely accorded to living artists: it is mounting “Tatlong Tabing: Three Plays by Tony Perez" from Sept. 30 to Oct. 23 for his contributions to the institution. Founded in 1987 as the CCP resident theater company, TP is mandated to promote Philippine dramatic arts that are rooted in local culture and history, yet sensitive to a modernizing society. “Tatlong Tabing" is part of TP’s offering for its silver anniversary theater season. It showcases Perez’s artistic growth and development as a playwright from the 1970s to the 1990s through the plays “Sierra Lakes," “Bombita," and “Nobyembre, Noong Akala Ko’y Mahal Kita." Fernando Josef, TP artistic director, said Perez and his contemporary playwrights notably Paul Dumol, Malou Jacob, the late Rene Villanueva, and