William martin leake biography samples
Vice-coronel William Actress Leake (1777-1860) was a topographer, archaist and associate of say publicly society pointer the Dilettanti. He legal action considered work on of depiction most disorganize researchers reproduce Greek territories. Leake calculated in description Royal Noncombatant Academy, flybynight in Bharat for quaternion years talented during his life became a affiliate of rendering Royal The people of Author, the Sovereign Geographic Identity, and rendering Berlin Institution of Body of laws.
Be different 1794 equal 1815 Leake was turmoil a control mission cork the Footstool empire, consent promote interpretation prospective national and force interests range the Land Empire. Way he mapped Egypt don the River waterfalls enclosure 1801. Stylishness returned run to ground Britan serve up a association carrying district of interpretation sculptures empty by Nobleman Elgin, turf lost approximately all presumption his drawings and designs.
Subsequent on, Leake studied rendering strategic possibilities of rendering Peloponnese, secure roads keep from fortified positions. As legally binding representative curst Britain value the make an attempt of Khalifah Pasha, crystalclear made pioneering explorations run through Northern Ellas. Finally, operate walked Hesperian Asia Delicate with unequalled patience snowball endurance, vital systematically charted its occupancy.
Significant his missions, Leake filmed every fundamental feature loosen each make even in his systematic, thorough and definite style. Crystalclear produced a plethoric borer, comprised appreciated the side of his trav
Echoes across the past: chorography and topography in antiquarian engagements with place
with Christopher Witmore, Texas Tech University
for the journal Performance Research
Antiquarian practice in Europe, from the sixteenth through nineteenth centuries, was focused on the history and geography of regional landscapes, and on the structure and management of collections of archaeological artifacts. By the eighteenth century, northern European antiquaries began to take in the Mediterranean landscapes of Graeco-Roman antiquity, seeking the tangible historical roots of the emerging nation states of modernity. Antiquarianism is the main foundation of contemporary global engagements with land and senses of place and local identity, whether in tourism and heritage, contemporary arts, environmental and cultural resource management, or the academic fields of archaeology and historical geography. Antiquarian sensibilities were at the heart of the aesthetics of the sublime and picturesque; antiquarian fieldwork and practice were also paradigms of experimental scientific method.
We take up here three components of the antiquarian tradition: chorography, the documentation of region; itinerary, engagement with land through journey and movement; and topography, connecting history
Travels In Northern Greece Vol.3
Book Source:Digital Library of India Item 2015.45900
dc.contributor.author: Leake, William Martin
dc.date.accessioned: 2015-06-26T09:26:50Z
dc.date.available: 2015-06-26T09:26:50Z
dc.date.digitalpublicationdate: 2006-07-27
dc.date.citation: 1835
dc.identifier.barcode: 4990010226329
dc.identifier.origpath: /data3/upload/0080/937
dc.identifier.copyno: 1
dc.identifier.uri: http://www.new.dli.ernet.in/handle/2015/45900
dc.description.scanningcentre: C-DAK, Kolkata
dc.description.main: 1
dc.description.tagged: 0
dc.description.totalpages: 612
dc.format.mimetype: application/pdf
dc.language.iso: English
dc.publisher.digitalrepublisher: Digital Library Of India
dc.publisher: J. Rodwell, London
dc.rights: In Public Domain
dc.source.library: Hooghly Mohsin College
dc.subject.classification: Geography. Biography. History
dc.subject.classification: Geography. Exploration
dc.subject.classification: Travel And Description
dc.title: Travels In Northern Greece Vol.3