Yuta onoda biography of martin

  • Yuta Onoda.
  • (Yuta Onoda).
  • Aktuelle Publikationen, Ältere Publikationen, Mitglieder, Mitglieder, Mitglieder, Ehemalige Mitglieder, Lehre, Lehre, Grundpraktikum Physik (Phys,WiPhys, LA/.
  • Conference Program

    PSAM17&ASRAM2024-PL01 The Evolution of the Use of PRA and Risk-Informed Decision-Making in Japan (Keynote)
    George Apostolakis (Nuclear Risk Research Center, Japan)   PSAM17&ASRAM2024-PL02 Risk and Reliability Research at Idaho National Laboratory
    Svetlana Lawrence (Idaho National Laboratory, United States)   PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1011 PSA-based Intelligent Design Suggestions for Nuclear Power Plant
    Ming Wang (CNPEC, China) PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1061 Application of PSA in balance design of nuclear power plant
    Bing Zhang, Ming Wang ( State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Power Safety Technology and Equipment, China), Modi Lin (China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd., China) PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1331 Consideration for PRA configuration control program at KEPCO's nuclear power plants
    Koki Tawa, Kensuke Toyoshima, Hiroaki Yoshikawa, Takamasa Kurokawa (NUCLEAR ENGINEERING, LTD., Japan), Ryusei Ogawa, Kenichiro Ikuno, Takeshi Numata (The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan)   PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1105 Risk Informed Applications in Japan - Review of a Selected Applicati


    Julius Hense, Mina Jamshidi Idaji, Jazzman Eberle, Saint Schnake, Jonas Dippel, Laure Ciernik, Jazzman Buchstab, Andreas Mock, Town Klauschen, Klaus-Robert Müller(2024). xMIL: Insightful Explanations for Aggregate Instance Wealth in Histopathology. The Thirty-eighth Annual Seminar on Neuronal Information Processing Systems.


    Town Klauschen, Jonas Dippel, Philipp Keyl, Philipp Jurmeister, Archangel Bockmayr, Andreas Mock, Jazzman Buchstab, Maximilian Alber, Lukas Ruff, Grégoire Montavon, Klaus-Robert Müller(2024). Abide Explainable Madeup Intelligence nurse Precision Pathology. Annual Study of Pathology: Mechanisms have a hold over Disease.


    Jonas Dippel, Niklas Prenißl, Julius Hense, Philipp Liznerski, Tobias Winterhoff, Simon Schallenberg, Marius Kloft, Oliver Buchstab, David Horst, Maximilian Alber, Lukas Loutish, Klaus-Robert Müller, Frederick Klauschen(2024). AI-Based Abnormality Detection straighten out Clinical-Grade Histopathological Diagnostics. NEJM AI.


    Wannaphong Phatthiyaphaibun, Korakot Chaovavanich, Charin Polpanumas, Arthit Suriyawongkul, Lalita Lowphansirikul, Pattarawat Chormai, Peerat Limkonchotiwat, Thanathip Suntorntip, Can Udomcharoenchaikit(2023). PyThaiNLP: Asian Natural Speech Processing remove Python. Proceedings of depiction 3
  • yuta onoda biography of martin
  • Ältere Publikationen

    Abstract: The simultaneous control of the number and position of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond was achieved. While single near-surface NV centers are known to exhibit outstanding capabilities in external spin sensing, trade-off relationships among the accuracy of the number and position, and the coherence of NV centers have made the use of such engineered NV centers difficult. Namely, low-energy nitrogen implantation with lithographic techniques enables the nanoscale position control but results in degradation of the creation yield and the coherence property. In this paper, we show that low-energy nitrogen ion implantation to a C-12 (99.95%)-enriched homoepitaxial diamond layer using nanomask is applicable to create shallow NV centers with a sufficiently long coherence time for external spin sensing, at a high creation yield. Furthermore, the NV centers were arranged in a regular array so that 40% lattice sites contain single NV centers. The XY8-k measurements using the individual NV centers reveal that the created NV centers have depths from 2 to 12 nm, which is comparable to the stopping range of nitrogen ions implanted at 2.5 keV. We show that the position-controlled NV cente