Barbara becker fort worth tx

  • “Barbara is a dedicated and highly skilled therapist and manager.
  • 87 individuals named Barbara Becker found in Texas.
  • Becker Barbara J is one of several mental health and counseling Texas LPC Clinical Supervisors in Fort Worth, Texas.
  • In The Estate of Barbara Becker-Jonaitis, Deceased

    Case Summary

    On 10/21/2022 In The Estate of Barbara Becker-Jonaitis, Deceased was filed as a Probate - Other Probate lawsuit. This case was filed in Tarrant County Court, County Court at Law #1 - Tarrant County Courthouse located in Tarrant, Texas. The Judge overseeing this case is Allen, Brooke. The case status is Pending - Other Pending.

    Case DetailsPartiesDockets

    Judge Details




    Unknown, Missing, or Incapacitated Heir


    Jonaitis, Edward A. Also Known As Jonaitis, Edward

    Attorney/Law Firm Details

    Executor Attorney

    Court Documents

    Court documents are not available for this case.


    Docket306 Notice Index # 16

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    DocketOrder Approving Inventory, Appraisment & List of Claims Index # 15

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    DocketAmended Inventory Appraisement and List of Claims Index # 14

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    DocketInventory Appraise Claims -no fee w/in 90 days qualification Index # 13

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    DocketNotice to Creditors Index # 12

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    DocketAttorney's Certificate of Compliance 308.004 Index # 11

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  • barbara becker fort worth tx
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