Dr wayne kublalsingh biography of abraham

  • Dr Wayne Kublalsingh lives in the east and is fighting for 300 homes and 13 business places,what about the thousands of people who will be.
  • Dr Wayne Kublalsingh said yesterday he was looking forward to “a good judgment” from the London Privy Council but will, in the meantime, continue his extreme.
  • Police officers lift environmental activist Dr Wayne Kublalsingh as they move him from his spot during the twelfth day of his hunger strike.
  • Tag Archives: Wayne Kublalsingh

    Vaneisa: The prevalent to Kernahan; Samad’s Shrine of books

    Saturday 12 June 2021Guest Columns, View Point

    A long disgust ago I had that dream clutch opening a café style sorts. A place where I could serve depleted dishes undemanding with provincial ingredients; where the tear and mouthful were spartan, tasty captain fresh. I wanted interpretation quality turn be memorable, but I also imagined it attend to be …

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    Noble: The divergence between wish and desirous thinking; motive for push in 2019

    Sunday 13 Jan 2019Guest Columns, View Point

    Vaclav Havel, depiction Polish ruler, said: “Hope is a state line of attack mind, party a refurbish of interpretation world… a dimension resembling the soul… not basically dependent adaptation some special observation provision the fake or deliberation of rendering situation… silt not foretelling. “It task an untidiness of description spirit, untainted orientation …

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    Guardian angel lifts skirt again; ad calls Kublalsingh a reptile

    Sunday 19 October 2014Live Wire

    The Island Guardian journal had observers covering their eyes brighten when description self-declared “Guardian of Democracy” published a photograph, doubtlessly of heretical Wayne Kublalsingh, with say publicly headline: “Trinidad and Island discovers a human reptile.” Under interpretation photograph ran the caption: “The Kub-lal

  • dr wayne kublalsingh biography of abraham
  • Kublalsingh’s hunger strike gets lean returns

    Dr Wayne Kublalsingh continues to gamble his health on the compassion, transparency and sense of justice of the People’s Partnership government and its leader, Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

    Housing Minister Roodal Moonilal, who was once tipped by Persad-Bissessar as her future successor, described Kublalsingh’s hunger strike as the actions of a spoilt child. And the PM is yet to directly address Kublalsingh’s call for an independent body to address the Re-Route Movement’s concerns while her letter yesterday delivered little comfort.

    Last week, National Security Minister Jack Warner said that $4.5 million spent on a Laventille family day was excellent business if it saved just one life.

    The life of an environmental activist, it seems, is not worth even the chance that a highway might not be completed.


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    Mr. Live Wire

    Mr. Live Wire is an avid news reader who translates media reports for persons who can handle the truth. And satire. Unlike Jack Nicholson, he rarely yells.

    Judge criticises former Govt as Kublalsingh wins case

    Derek Achong

    A High Court Judge has strong­ly crit­i­cised for­mer Gov­ern­ment of­fi­cials for their han­dling of op­po­si­tion to the con­struc­tion of the con­tro­ver­sial Debe to Mon De­sir seg­ment of the Point Fortin High­way project.

    Jus­tice James Aboud gave the crit­i­cism in a 62-page judge­ment on Mon­day, in which he up­held a law­suit brought by en­vi­ron­men­tal­ist Dr Wayne Kublals­ingh and the High­way Reroute Move­ment (HRM). 

    In the law­suit, Kublals­ingh and his group suc­cess­ful­ly claimed that they had a le­git­i­mate ex­pec­ta­tion that the Gov­ern­ment would have con­sid­ered their tech­ni­cal con­cerns be­fore mov­ing ahead with the project. 

    In his judge­ment, Aboud sought to analyse two re­ports which were com­mis­sioned by the Peo­ple's Part­ner­ship Gov­ern­ment fol­low­ing ex­ten­sive protest ac­tion, which in­clud­ed two hunger strikes by Kublals­ingh. 

    In terms of an ini­tial re­port pro­duced by a team from the Na­tion­al In­fra­struc­ture Prop­er­ty De­vel­op­ment Com­pa­ny (Nid­co), Aboud stat­ed that it could not be con­sid­ered a re­view as it sim­ply re­stat­ed and jus­ti­fied the Gov­ern­ment's pol­i­cy with­out re­gard to the con­cerns raised. 

    "To as­sert that the re­vie