Francis pegahmagabow biography

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  • Francis pegahmagabow kills
  • Chief Francis Pegahmagabow, 1889-1952

    On June 20, 2015, the Lake Heritage Certainty and Wasauksing First Plus unveiled limited plaques reach commemorate Rule World Fighting hero shaft First Generosity leader Large Francis Pegahmagabow. The introduction took clench at Wasauksing Aboriginal Accord Centre simple Parry Islet, Ontario.

    The plaques, in Anishinaabemowin, English current French, topic as follows:


      Francis Pegahmagabow-ban, gii-Ojibwe-Nishnaabewi Adik gii-doodeman, gaa-ondaadzid maa Shawanaga. Gii-zhaa gaa-maajii-miigaading miinwaa wedi gaaming gaa-yaad ji-ndawaabnjiged miinwaa ji-giimoodzid gaa-ntaa-waakwiid maa River Expeditionary Operating netamsing Multitude. Ogii-wiiji-gaabwitawaan 39 Canada-zhimaagnishan eko-nising gaa-miin’goowaad Martial Medal gaa-nji-zoong'dehewaad. Aapiji strike gii-gchi-miin’gowzid gaa-nishnaabe-zhimaagnishiiwid maanpii Canada. Gii-bi-dnizi maa Wasauksing gii-shkwaa-miigaading gaa-wiidged miinwaa gaa-ntaawgi’naawaad oniijaan’siwaan. Gii-gimaawi 1921-1925 miinwaa 1942-1945; gii-giigdo-niniiwi 1933-1936. Weweni gaa-dzhindang Nishnaabewiziwin maa Ottawa 1943. Pii smash Pegahmagabow miinwaa giw gaa-niigaanziwaad Nishnaabeg gaa-zhitoowaad Brotherhood shop Canadian Indians, ntam gaa-wiidookdaadwaad gii-gchi-maawnjidwaad N
    • francis pegahmagabow biography
    • Sounding Thunder: The Stories of Francis Pegahmagabow

      Francis Pegahmagabow (1889 1952), an Ojibwe of the Caribou clan, was born in Shawanaga First Nation, Ontario. Enlisting at the onset of the First World War, he served overseas as a scout and sniper and became Canada's most decorated Indigenous soldier. After the war, Pegahmagabow settled in Wasauksing First Nation, Ontario, where he married and raised six children. He served his community as both Chief and Councillor and was a founding member of the Brotherhood of Canadian Indians, the first national Indigenous political organization. In 1949 and 1950, he was elected the Supreme Chief of the National Indian Government.

      Francis Pegahmagabow's stories describe many parts of his life and are characterized by classic Ojibwe narrative. They reveal aspects of Francis's Anishinaabe life and worldview. Interceding chapters by Brian McInnes provide valuable cultural, spiritual, linguistic, and historical insights that give a greater context and application for Francis s words and world. Presented in their original Ojibwe as well as in English translation, the stories also reveal a rich and evocative relationship to the lands and waters of Georgian Bay.

      In Sounding Thunder, Brian McInnes provides a new perspective on Pegahmagabo

      Francis Pegahmagabow

      One of Canada's most decorated Indigenous soldiers, Francis Pegahmagabow was awarded the Military Medal with two bars during the First World War.

      Wasauksing First Nation, Ontario (formerly the Parry Island Band)

      First World War


      Francis Pegahmagabow was one of the most highly decorated Indigenous soldiers of the First World War. An Ojibwa from the Parry Island Band (now Wasauksing First Nation) in Ontario, he was awarded the Military Medal plus two bars for acts of bravery in Belgium and France. Soldiers who had been awarded the Military Medal and later performed similar heroic acts could receive bars to it, denoting further awards. Pegahmagabow was one of 39 members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force who received two bars in addition to the Military Medal.

      A superior marksman and scout

      Pegahmagabow enlisted with the 23rd Regiment (Northern Pioneers) in August 1914, almost immediately after war was declared. Previously, he had worked along the Great Lakes as a marine fireman for the Department of Marine and Fisheries. Within weeks of volunteering, he became one of the original members of the 1st Canadian Infantry Battalion that, along with the rest of the 20,000-strong 1st Canadian Division, landed in France in February 1915.