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Autumn 2024 Dean's List
Campus News | Friday, January 10, 2025
Over 5,700 students made the Dean's List for Autumn 2024. Find and share your name!
The Dean's List is for students who have a grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher and have completed 6 credit hours or more for the semester. About the Dean’s List.
- Abad, Ailyn
- Abaker, Ishag
- Abban, Michelle
- Abdalla, Isha
- Abdelkarim, Layaly
- Abdelqader, Samya
- Abdelrahman, Issa
- Abdelrahman, Mariam
- Abdi, Ahlam
- Abdi, Asia
- Abdi, Ayan
- Abdi, Essak
- Abdi, Habibo
- Abdi, Hafsa
- Abdi, Semoon
- Abdikadir, Faiza
- Abdille, Naimo
- Abdille, Shadibi
- Abdon, Devon
- Abdulaali, Hind
- Abdulahi, Hibaq
- Abdulkadir, Zainab
- Abdullah, Yusuf
- Abdullahi, Abdinur
- Abdullahi, Cabdullahi
- Abdullahi, Halima
- Abdullahi, Halima
- Abdullahi, Hindiyo
- Abdullahi, Ilham
- Abdullahi, Ilhan
- Abdullahi, Maryama
- Abdullahi, Nastexo
- Abdullahi, Sakariye
- Abdulrahman, Mustariya
- Abdurahim, Leyla
- Abed, Aws
- Abed, Aysha
- Abel, Grayson
- Abele, Bryce
- Aberbour, Sofiane
- Abfalter-Scott, Garryt
- Abid, Abir
- Ables, Alex
- Abner, Grace
- Abood, Zaid
- Aboukhalaf, Nasma
- Abrams, Caylee
- Abrams, Emily
- Abrigg, Emily
- Abu, Aamina
- Abu, Katima
- Abukar, Rania
- Abukweik, Amer
- Abu-Kweik, Naseel
- Abukweik, Reem
- Abulaban, Hala
- Abulkhanov, Dzhaudat
- Abu-Rayyan, Mohammed
- Abu
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The Life Membership Directory includes alumni, former students and friends who are paid-in-full Life Members of the K-State Alumni Association. Only living alumni are listed. Individuals on a payment plan to become Life Members are added when they have completed their pledge to be a paid-in-full Life Member.
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Aaron P Aaker `95
Michael Duane Aarstad `73
Patrick Kane Abbott `09
Ronald Carl Abbott `62
Rosemary E Abbott `62
Ruth Abbott `72
Ahmad Siddiq Abdulrahman `82
Gregory Wayne Abel `92
Renee Dawn Abel `92
Scott Abel `95
Peter Joseph Abell `88
Jay Thomas Aber `07
Lauren Rose Aber `07
Matthew James Aberle `92
Carolyn Ann Abernethy `70
Rollin H Abernethy `70
Leslie Ann Ablard `02
Matt C Ablard `02
Christopher Matthew Able `08
Kelsey Laine Able `07
Mary Violette Abounabhan `18
Charlee Diane Abrams `67
Joshua M Abrams `11
James Michael Acer `80
Paula Kim Acer `85
Delton Wayne Acker `74
Peggy Lee Acker `72
Katie A Ackerman `06
Robert Ackerman `64
Trenton John Ackerman `08
Kathryn L Ackers `63
Becki S Ackley `91
Darin Eugene Ackley `92
R Douglas Ackley `71
Lisa Beethe Acosta `89
Ramona A Acre `54
Blair D Adam `88
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