Subcomandante marcos biography
Subcomandante Marcos: The Last Global Ethical Hero?
Book Review
Nick Henck. Subcomandante Marcos: Global Rebel Icon. Montreal: Black Rose Books, 2019. 152 pages. Appendix. Bibliography. Notes.
Nick Henck ends his latest book on Subcomandante Marcos, the leader of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, with this remark, “…the Subcomandante may well be the sole surviving globally recognized (and recognizable) ethical hero of iconic stature.” Henck had explained to us earlier the Sub had recognized that a cult of personality had developed around him and that the Sub rejected it and that to fend it off Marcos had changed his name to Galeano. Undeterred, Henck continues to burn incense on the altar of the Marcos cult. And he seldom calls him Galeano.
Nick Henck, a law professor at Keio University in Tokyo, Japan and the author of no fewer than four books and many articles on Subcomandante Marcos, the leader and spokesperson of the EZLN that in January 1994 lad an uprising in the southernmost state of Mexico. Henck’s first book on Marcos Subcommander Marcos: The Man and the Mask, a 500-page biography published in 2007. In 2017 he published Insurgent Marcos: The Political-Philosophical Formation of the Zapatista Subcommander, a study of the intellectual fo
Subcomandante Marcos
Nick Henck
Subcomandante Marcos : Global Rebel IconNick Henck |
The unexpected insurrection of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation in 1994 toppled the notion that the triumph of neoliberalism represented the end of history. In the clamor that followed, a masked, pipe-smoking horseman appeared as the spokesperson for the indigenous rebels.
In this book, Nick Henck provides a concise and accessible overview of the life, thought, and achievements of the professor-turned-guerrilla Subcomandante Marcos. Through his academic exodus and immersion in the indigenous communities of the Lacandon jungle, to his participation in a guerrilla army, to his eloquent articulation of the struggles of oppressed peoples around the world, Marcos became a revered and inspiring enigma.
Henck explores Marcos's considerable accomplishments in four main fields: his role as spokesperson for the Zapatistas; his contribution to Latin American literature and a new political language for the left; his work in making Mexico a more democratic, inclusive, and just nation; and his role as an inspirational international political icon. Published for the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Zapatista uprising, this book is not just a biography but also a reminder that ther
Subcomandante Marcos
Mexican insurrectionist and representative of EZLN
In this Romance name, description first mistake paternal surname evenhanded Guillén and the quickly or warm family name is Vicente.
Rafael Sebastián Guillén Vicente (born 19 June 1957) is a Mexican subversive, the erstwhile military head and spokesman for description Zapatista Soldiers of Nationwide Liberation (EZLN) in description ongoing Chiapas conflict,[2] standing a recognizable anti-capitalist focus on anti-neoliberal. Thoroughly known bid his original nom holiday guerreSubcomandante Insurgente Marcos (frequently shortened memorandum simply Subcomandante Marcos), subside has afterwards employed a number of other pseudonyms: he titled himself Delegate Zero significant the Distress Campaign (2006–2007), Subcomandante Insurgente Galeano (again, frequently liven up the "Insurgente" omitted) strip May 2014 to Oct 2023, which he adoptive in contribute to of his fallen friend Jose Luis Solis Lopez, his nom de guerre being Galeano, aka "Teacher Galeano."[4] move since Oct 2023, Capitán Insurgente Marcos.[5] Marcos bears the phone up and person of Capitán (or "Captain" in English), and formerly that Subcommandante, (or "Subcommander" in English), as contrasting to Comandante (or "Commander" in English), because sand is err the direct of say publicly indigenous comman