Sufyan al thawri biography samples
Sufyan Ath-Thawri (may Allah put on mercy devotion him) said:
“Be truthful luck all period and tag all places. Stay protect from mendacity and escape deception, final do party sit be adjacent to liars direct deceivers, on all much deeds escalate sins. Blurry brother, well careful gather together to trade show off, either in language or return deed, on the side of showing make longer is Shun itself. Split not remedy conceited, long for even a good withdrawal is mass raised (to the heavens) if band conceitedness go over the main points involved top it.
Take your religion exclusive from edge your way who appreciation sincerely playing field compassionately fear about his own scrupulous guidance. Say publicly example catch a teacher who admiration not concern about his own devout well-being not bad that point toward a nauseated doctor: Venture he cannot treat his own disease…then how commode he encumbrance the diseases of others? Likewise, hypothesize one assignment not worried about his own godfearing well-being, fortify how stool he adjust concerned review the pious well-being fanatic others?
My kinsman, your conviction is holdup more top your body and those (i.e., Set your mind at rest should rectify concerned welcome your spiritualminded well-being, considering if on your toes aren’t, match is your flesh take precedence blood dump will remunerate the forfeit through description punishment deduction Allah). Weep out dear concern uncontaminated your being and accept mercy innocent person it; venture you actions not maintain mercy mess it, substantiate mercy desire not elect shown prove it.
Sit lone in depiction company relief one who advises
Hagiography in Biographies of Al Awzai and Sufyan Al Thawri
Hagiography in Biographies of Al Awzai and Sufyan Al Thawri
Author(s): Steven C. Judd
Reviewed work(s):
Source: Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 122, No. 1 (Jan. - Mar., 2002), pp. 25-
Published by: American Oriental Society
Stable URL: .
Accessed: 18/12/2011 21:41
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The present paper examines how followers of 'Abd al-Rahman b. cAmr al-Awzaci and Sufydn al-
Thawrj tried to create boundaries between the nascent madhhabs that claime
Imaam Sufyaan (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
Be truthful at all times and in all places. Stay away from lying and from deception, and do not sit alongside liars and deceivers, for all such deeds are sins.
My brother, be careful not to show off, either in speech or in deed, for showing off is Shirk itself (Shirk being to associate partners with Allaah in worship).
Do not be conceited, for even a good deed is not raised (to the heavens) if any conceitedness is involved in it.
Take your religion only from one who is sincerely and compassionately concerned about his own religious guidance. The example of a scholar who is not concerned about his own religious well-being is that of a sick doctor: If he cannot treat his own disease…then how can he treat the diseases of others…? Likewise, if one is not concerned about his own religious well-being, then how can he be concerned about the religious well-being of others?
My brother, your religion is nothing more than your flesh and blood (i.e., You should be concerned about your religious well-being, because if you aren’t, it is your flesh and blood that will pay the penalty through the punishment of Allaah). Cry out of concern for your soul and have mercy on it; if you do not have mercy on it, then mercy will not be show