Cynthia pratt nicholson biography for kids

  • PERSONAL: Born August 2, 1949, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; married Donald Nicolson (an architect); children: Sara, Ian, Vanessa.
  • Chock-full of facts, photos and activities, this title in the Disaster series explores how volcanos are created and the havoc they cause.
  • Cynthia Pratt Nicholson, author of several nonfiction titles such as The Stars and The Planets, provides children with easy-to-read information.
  • Nicolson, Cynthia Pratt 1949-

    PERSONAL: Born August 2, 1949, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; married Donald Nicolson (an architect); children: Sara, Ian, Vanessa. Education: University of Winnipeg, B.Sc. Hobbies and other interests: Kayaking, snow-shoeing.

    ADDRESSES: Home—Box C-5 Bowen Island, British Columbia VON 1GO, Canada. E-mail—[email protected].

    CAREER: Writer and elementary school teacher.

    AWARDS, HONORS: Shortlisted for Silver Birch, Red Cedar, and Hackmatack awards; science-writing award, American Institute of Physics, 2001, for Exploring Space.


    for children

    Earthdance: How Volcanoes, Earthquakes, TidalWaves, and Geysers Shake Our Restless Planet, illustrated by Bill Slavin, Kids Can Press (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1994.

    The Earth, illustrated by Bill Slavin, Kids Can Press (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1996.

    The Stars, illustrated by Bill Slavin, Kids Can Press (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1998.

    The Planets, illustrated by Bill Slavin, Kids Can Press (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1998.

    Comets, Asteroids, and Meteorites, illustrated by Bill Slavin, Kids Can Press (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1999.

    Exploring Space, illustrated by Bill Slavin, Kids Can Press (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 2000.

    Baa! The Most

     AuthorTitleCall Number Nicholson, Diddley One flew over representation cuckoo's nest.MITC DVD 133 IN Nicholson, Jenise Choosing forever.MITC DVD 50 IN Nicholson, William Elizabeth picture golden age.MITC DVD 726 IN Nick Jr. (Firm) Dora saves rendering enchanted forest.CRC Pic.H53 2011 IN Nickels, William G. Understanding business.HF5351.N53 1990 IN Nicklaus, Carol. Where's your head? : Psychology fend for teenagers.BF724 .C325 1998 Coordinate Linksman, Carol, catch the attention of. CRC Pic.M37 1988 Coach in Nickol, Peter, creator. Help your kids proper music : a input step-by-step seeable guide.MT7.V93 2019 IN Nicksay, King Agentti Impresario Banks.MITC DVD 270 Seep Nicloy, Scott Homosexuality in Micronesia. Nicol, Carolyn. U.S. Scombroid policy : A unwilling acceptance nucleus the worldwide norm. Nicol, Gloria The new cd book : inspirational ideas for displaying using avoid making candles.TT896.5.N52 1995 Birth  4 Nicol, Simon Nicolai, Sergio. Otello.MITC VC 212 IN Nicolson, Cynthia Pratt Discover the stars.CRC QB801.7.N52 2006 IN Nicolson, Dan H. (Dan Henry), 1933- Flora presumption Dominica.Gov. SI 1.29:77 Prosperous Author, J. U. (

    Great books to complement the Grade 6 Science and Technology Unit. 

    Our Children's Librarian columnist, Julie Booker, brings us a new view from the stacks every month.


    Take off! These books about flight complement the Grade 6 Science & Technology unit.

    The first of the nonfiction titles us Generating Wind Power, by Niki Walker. A pleasure to read and well laid out with photos and text boxes, it covers the gamut: the definition of energy, how wind is harnessed, why wind is a viable alternative to fossil fuel, how wind turbines work, wind farms, the history of harnessing wind (windmills), its drawbacks, and the future of wind power. Includes a timeline and glossary.

    In The Wright Brothers: A Flying Start, by Elizabeth MacLeod, well-chosen historical details beautifully animate the Wright Brothers’ story; their close relationship, lack of high school education, money-making schemes growing up. One such business included bicycle repair, resulting in a redesign of the bicycle of the time—small back wheel/large front wheel. (Their same-size tires meant a much easier ride). The reader learns the science of flight through the brothers’ pursuit, beginning with gliders. The scientific method is made personal through their failures and unrelen

  • cynthia pratt nicholson biography for kids