Padmavajra biography books
This section research paper taken flight the Gaṇeśa Purāṇa,11th buttress of picture Krīḍā khaṇḍa. The appropriate one legal action being fill in here
इन्द्र उवाच:
न दृष्टो’स्य गुणोत्कर्षस्तावन्मान्यो भवेत्कथम्।
क उवाच:
ततो दिदेश वायुं स नयैनं व्योममण्डलम्।
तस्याज्ञानुपदं वायुर्युगान्तसदृशो ववौ।
आन्दोलयन्सर्वलोकं भ्रामयन् कुधरान्भृशम्॥
अकालप्रलयः किं नु प्रारब्धो लोकनाशनः।
इत्येवं भृशसंविग्ना ऋषयश्च चकम्पिरे॥
भग्ने वायौ तु संप्राह शुम्भाणं पाकशासनः।
दहैनं त्वं बटुं शीघ्रं द्रष्टव्या शक्तिरद्य ते।
तदाज्ञां शिरसा गुह्यं जगाम तमुषर्बुधः।
निर्दहन्निव त्रींल्लोकान्प्रलयानलसन्निभः॥
भस्मीकर्तुं दुमान्सर्वान्शोषयन्सर्वसागरान्।
तं दहन्तं जनान्सर्वान्दृष्ट्वा कश्यपनन्दनः।
तत्क्षणादगिलद्रोगी भेषजं गुटुकामिव।
गिलिते तादृशे वह्नौ क्रोधसंरक्तलोचनः॥
सहस्रलोचनो लोकां’लोकयत्सर्वलोचनैः।
तावद्ददर्श तं तत्र सहस्राधिकलोचनम्॥
शशिसूर्याग्निनयनं शिरस व्यापनभस्तलम्।
सप्तपातालचरणम् सप्तलोकैकमस्तकम्॥
असंक्श्यकेशसंयुक्तं नानाब्रह्माण्डरोमकम्॥
आमूलाग्राद्यथा वृक्षे भवन्त्यौदुम्बराणि वै।
औदुम्बरे वा मशकाः संख्यातीता भवन्ति हि॥
तथैवैकैकरोमाञ्चं संख्यातीताण्डसंयुतम्।
पस्यंस्तत्रवैकतरं भ्रान्तःशक्रो विवेश ह॥
पश्यन्ति स्म स तन्मध्ये त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम्।
अरण्यकदलीकोशपत्रे पत्रे यथा फलम्॥
असंख्यातं जगत्तत्र पश्यति स्म शचीपतिः
by Jamgon Kongtrul the First
Now follows a short life story of Guru Rinpoche, also known as Padmakara or Padmasambhava, extracted from the Precious Garland of Lapis Lazuli, a collection of life stories of the 108 main tertons written by Jamgon Kongtrul the First and found in Volume I of his Treasury of Precious Termas – the Rinchen Terdzo:
Padmakara has influenced countless beings through the Vajrayana teachings and in particular through the activity of the profound terma treasures. This great master was not an ordinary person on the path or just a noble being on one of the bodhisattva bhumis but an emanation of both Buddha Amitabha and Shakyamuni who appeared in order to tame the human beings and spirits difficult to convert.Even the great bodhisattvas are incapable of fully explaining his life example but in brief I will narrate it as follows.
In the dharmakaya realm of the Luminous Vajra Essence he has by nature attained perfect enlightenment since the very beginning as the liberated ground of primordial purity. He is renowned as the original protector, Unchanging Light.
In the self-manifest sambhogakaya realm of the Thunder of the Drum of Perfection, he spontaneously manifested as the boundless wisdom array of th
There are seven āvaraṇas(surrounding ‘layers’ of deities) around the main Jagannātha deity in the Puri temple. They are:
- The four playmates of Kṛṣṇa
- Aṅgas of mantra
- Eight wives of Kṛṣṇa
- Parents,brother,sister of Kṛṣṇa,gopas and gopīs
- Five Kalpavṛkṣas
- Certain bhaktas of Kṛṣṇa
- 10 dikpālas
First āvaraṇa:Contains Dāmā,Sudāmā,Vasudāmā and Kiṅkiṇi(similar to Kṛṣna,adolescent,carrying flute and ball)
Second āvaraṇa:Contains the āṇgas conjoined with the corresponding parts of the main mantra(arcakāya svāhā, kṛṣṇāya hṛdayāya namaḥ, govindāya śirase svāhā…ultimately 9 members in this circle. The dhyānas of the pallavas are given in the Nīlādrīmahodaya(eg:svāhā is red-complexion,dressed in red and having a crown on head and two lotuses in hands,namaḥ being white complexioned,three eyed and basically like the common form of Bhuvaneśvarī in appearance otherwise)
Third āvaraṇa:Rukmiṇī,Satyabhāmā,Naganjitā,Sunandā,Mitravindā,Sulakṣaṇā,Jāmbavatī,Suśīlā(lotus and chowrie in their hands)
Fourth āvaraṇa:Vāsudeva,Devakī,Nanda,Yaśodā(the fathers with jñānamudrā and abhayamudrā,the mothers having a varadamudrā and a pot full of pāyasa),Balabhadra(halamusaladhārin,with quivering eyes under the effect of alcohol),Subhadrā(varābhaya,like hot gold or dark green),gopas and gopīs w